Sunday, October 1, 2023

Bay of Fundy - Eastport, ME (8/10-8/14/2023)

On August 10th we headed on up to Eastport, ME to meet up with Mike's brother and sister-in-law who would be joining us. 

The drive up was an interesting and hilly one with nice pavement.  That makes for a much more enjoyable trip. We made a fuel stop then continued on our route to the coast.  Unfortunately, my routing did not prove to be a good one.  It was rough, curvy, narrow with hardly any shoulder, not ideal.  As always, Mike kept it between the lines and we made it safely.  

Unbeknownst to us, that was a good practice for the campsite at Eastport.  It was tight but he got in on the first try and before you know it, we were parked right at the edge of the Bay of Fundy.  From this spot we could watch the 18 foot tidal change occur each day right from our deck.

Once Steve and Linda checked into their cabin we went off to explore the small town of Eastport.  We found a lovely wine bar on the waterfront and ended the day with another lobster roll at The Cannery. 

Eastport is only a few miles from the Canadian border.  We headed out the next day to explore the Canadian Island of St. Andrews. We parked and walked the shops in town and had a lovely lunch at The Kennedy House.  

Our second full day in Eastport took us the other direction across the Canadian border through Lubec and onto Campobello Island.  We headed to the West Quoddy Lighthouse and checked out the museum and them made our way to the Head Harbor Lightstation (East Quoddy Head Lightstation).  We timed it right to be able to walk out across the rocky, somewhat slippery Bay of Fundy during low tide to access the lighthouse.  We saw some whales while out there in the bay.  It was a cool experience to be out there in the middle of bay.

On our way back, we toured the Roosevelt Campobello International Park.  A one of a kind park shared by the United States and Canada. The park houses, among others, the summer home of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  It was an interesting tour of the home and learning about the history of the area.

As our stay was shortened a bit to this area, we left feeling there was much more to explore, but it was time to head to Bar Harbor for the next 4 weeks. We had breakfast at Bob's Waco Diner and headed on down the coast on US 1 to our next stop.

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