Friday, September 29, 2023

Maine Lobster Festival - Belfast, ME (7/30-8/10/2023)

Rain continued to plague us overnight before our drive to Belfast, Maine.  After Mike cleaned Ruth's roof of buckets of rain that had pooled overnight and the remaining acorns, we headed out towards Belfast, ME.  This stop was targeted specifically to attend the annual Lobster Festival held in Rockland, ME each year.  

This drive was made a little more difficult as Mike had been experiencing some back pain that was making for sleepless nights. Dealing with medical issues on the road can be challenging, but luckily we can find urgent care and emergency services within our insurance plan.  

The Moorings campground was located right on the water and we settled in for a couple of days of rest and recuperation. We were able to ride our bikes into Belfast via a purpose built footbridge.  This was our first real glimpse at one of those picturesque Maine harbor towns you might see on a post card.  We would see many more.  Belfast had a lovely walking/bike path along its waterfront towards town and a 2.5 mile gravel path along the water away from town.  

View from front window of Ruth

Mike had a few rough days at the start of this trip until the Prednisone kicked in.  That allowed us to attend the Lobster Festival on Thursday 8/3.  The festival itself was smaller than I expected.  There were a couple of music stages, an art display and a gitchy pirate ship tour and of course lobster.

We sampled a lobster dinner and lobster mac and cheese.  It was fresh and tasty.  We enjoyed some acoustic guitar at one of the music venues then walked the town of Rockland before heading home.  While this was an anchor event for this trip, we both agreed that this was the only day we would likely attend. 

Mike was still struggling to get back to normal and feel good enough to drive to our next stop in Eastport, ME.  We were able to rearrange our reservations to stay a few more days in Belfast and just shorten our stay in Eastport.  Both campgrounds were very accommodating and we had a revised schedule.  

We enjoyed our extra days in Belfast be going to Young's Lobster Pound on the pier and attending an outdoor evening concert presented by Camden Summer Sounds at the SnowBowl Ski Resort.  It was a lovely evening of Cuban music by Primo Cubano.


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