Friday, October 6, 2023

Accidental Tourist - Bar Harbor, ME (8/14-9/5/2023) Part 2

After the family departed that first week, we had a couple of days to ourselves.  One of the days we took our bikes on a great ride along the carriage roads within Acadia National Park.  We got the last parking spot at the trailhead and were able to ride 25 miles within the woods.  The trails were crushed limestone and easily navigated with our e-bikes.  

We also celebrated Mike's 60th birthday while on the road on 8/21.  It was a rainy day.  Our friends, Bruce and Kris also arrived that day to spend a few days with us.  The afternoon weather improved and we were able to use Mike's pizza oven again to make pizzas for his birthday. 

We took a trip to another side of the island and enjoyed an excellent boat tour of a different part of the bay.  The Captain of Bass Harbor Boat Tours was clearly a seaman and spoke in great deal about the animals, sea creatures and ecosystems of the area.  We even pulled up a lobster trap and learned about what they do to sustain the population.  Upon a very good recommendation, we ended up at lunch at Archies.  Lobster grilled cheese, YES!

We had a couple of lovely days in a row that allowed us to explore the coastline of Acadia including Winter Harbor and the Schoodic penninsula.  We were able to play some pickleball with the locals and walked across Bar Island during low tide along with hundreds of other tourists.  We were treated to a view David Geffen's yacht (Rising Sun), which anchored in the harbor for a few days.  It was quite the spectacle.  We never got an invite to party with him. We packed a lot in our days and had a great time with our friends before they continued on their journey.  We planned to meet up with them just an hour north of Bar Harbor to rent a UTV for the day. 

We still had an additional two weeks in the Bar Harbor area on our own to do some more hiking and riding more carriage road trails.  We were scheduled to move campgrounds for that additional two weeks on Monday 8/28.  We only had to drive 7 miles to get to the next campground so we decided to take a quick bike ride on the country roads near the campground.  

BOOM!  I T-boned Mike on his e-bike as he was turning toward me on our way back to the campsite.  Blood, road rash and a pretty significant gash under my kneecap had me sitting on the side of road while he went back to get the Jeep and bike rack.  I got back to the RV, Mike did everything to get us ready to move while I tried to clean the debris from my skin and stop my cut from bleeding. 

We were able to get into our new campsite relatively easy.  I continued to nurse my leg to try to avoid a visit to the Emergency Room.  Mike was a very good medic and butterflied my knee gash closed.  It did not seem there was any "significant" damage that required an X-ray so we continued to clean and rebandage the wounds for the first week.  Needless to say I was pretty hobbled.

We had plans to meet Bruce and Kris for the UTV ride the next day.  I did not want to miss out on it.  I was going to be in a bit of pain wherever I was so I loaded up on some anti-inflammatories, bandaged up my wounds to keep dirt out and headed out.  It was a bit of a painful day when hitting the bumps, but we had a fun day overall. 

The first few days I was not very ambulatory and Mike puttered around the RV trying to get our bikes functional again.  They were not damaged too bad, but required some "realignment".  After about a week we were able to take the shuttlebus down to Bar Harbor and walk around a bit for one last look.

Since our planned activities were disrupted, we decided to modify our plans again head south to Boothbay Harbor for a few days and then get back on our regular schedule. 

I will always remember our visit to Bar Harbor, for a variety of reasons. 


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