Saturday, April 16, 2022

Czerwinski Fam Jam 2022 ABQ & Elephant Butte Lake (3/11-3/24/22)

On Friday, we finished packing up Ruth, put our bike rack on the Jeep and headed on out to Elephant Butte Lake RV Resort.  This first part of our trip was coordinated around a sibling reunion for Mike's sister and her hustband, his two other brothers and sister-in-law.  

Mike's sister Lynn, who has a lake cottage there, had recommended Elephant Butte to us last year when we met up with them at a couple our stops so we put it on the list.  That is just about how scientifically the "the list" is developed .  Locations could come from meet up suggestions, random Facebook or Tiffin Forum posts, recommendations from other traveling strangers around the community campfire.  So far that has worked out pretty well for us.

We would both take our RV's to Elephant Butte for the weekend.  Mike and I would then drive the Jeep back to Albuquerque and hang with everyone for a few days then return to Elephant Butte for a few days. 

Our very lovely spot at Elephant Butte Lake RV Resort

The drive to Elephant Butte in Ruth was uneventful.  That saying something after getting her out of storage.  The weather in ABQ had turned cold and our first overnight in Elephant Butte got down to 23 degrees.  We had to have the furnace on all night, not a great first night's sleep. 

Our first view of Elephant Butte Lake

We hung out with Mike's sister and brother-in-law. Took an interesting side-by-side ride through the arroyos near Elephant Butte.  The desert landscape is pretty and unforgiving in the same view.  Had lunch at Tony's just on the edge of the town of Truth or Consequences, NM.  Had a very yummy, authentic carne asada quesadilla.    

The winds on our first day in EB were significant, not the perfect day for outdoor activities, but this area is known for their hot springs so we booked a morning soak at Riverbend Hot Springs.  It was a lovely setting right on the Rio Grande river.  The hot springs were several different temperatures so we found something comfortable and enjoyed our hour of rejuvenation.  

Riverbend Hot Springs

We made Ruth ready for a few vacant days and headed back to ABQ to meet up with the rest of the family.  We shared an AirBnB that wasn't far from Mike's sisters house.  We checked out Old Town Albuquerque and I had a very high quality Michelada at Downshift Brewery, our cocktail stop.  We had a big extended family grill out at Lynn's house.  Lots of eating, laughing and reminiscing just as such gatherings should be. 

MMMMMichelada, only time I ever drink a beer

The weather was not very nice during our visit to ABQ but we made the best of it by visiting the Petroglyphs National Monument one day and a half day trip to Madrid, NM.  We had lunch at the Mineshaft Tavern and toured the shops of this small (3 block) town made famous by the movie Wild Hogs.  That night we watched Wild Hogs on Netflix just to make a full day of it.  It was a fun way to spend the day. 

The Diner building from the Wild Hogs movie set

We all caravaned to Elephant Butte the next morning and by Noon we were loading everyone on a pontoon for a lake cruise.  The sun had peaked out and wind died down enough to make it a lovely afternoon on the water. 

The floating Burger N Buns was open for the season

Elephant Butte is all about recreation so we loaded up the 3 side-by-sides for a few hour ride to two abandoned mines in the desert and a short, shallow crossing over the Rio Grande.   After a long day of riding we gathered at Lynn's lake house or what I began to call..."Lynn and Keith's House of Fine Food and Weight Gain"  to eat.  Riding in cars, boats and UTV's was not providing the right calorie burn for the amount of food we were eating. 


The Family

There was another day of side-by-side riding and relaxing before we all had to go our separate ways.  It is always great to spend time with everyone.  Once everyone left and we had a couple of days alone, we rode our bikes around the lake front and the Elephant Butte Lake State Park, fixed a leaky toilet and got Ruth ready to ride again to our next stop Casa Grande, AZ. 

We're rollin' on

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